difference between internal and external auditor

These two types of audits serve different purposes and are carried out by different parties. Audit which is conducted by external auditors who are independent of the organization is known as External Audit. Audit which is conducted by internal auditors who are employees of the organization is known as Internal Audit.

Types of Internal Audit: A Helpful Guide To The Different Internal Audit Types And Functions

difference between internal and external auditor

This certification, which is in the form of an auditor’s opinion, is required by certain investors and lenders, and for all publicly-held businesses. Internal auditors, as the name implies, work within an organization as employees, while external auditors are independent of the organizations they audit. Internal audit is a discretionary function within an organization, while external audit may be mandatory.

  • Internal audit reports include findings, recommendations and management responses to address identified control deficiencies and improve operational effectiveness.
  • Reporting lines and independence play a pivotal role in differentiating between internal audit and external audit processes.
  • Though, the external auditors may rely on the work of the internal auditors; but they cannot shift their responsibility.
  • Internal audit, as part of its role in providing governance assurance, reports directly to senior management, the board of directors, the audit committee, and/or other groups within the organization’s own governance boundary.


According to the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the Internal Audit And External Audit functions do not bid or conflict; rather, they both enhance the effectiveness  of governance. Internal audit can cover a broad range of areas, including financial controls, operational processes, compliance with policies and regulations, and overall organizational risk management. Internal Audit is comprehensive in scope, covering various aspects of internal operations, risk management, and controls. For larger businesses, internal audits are vital in managing complex operations, identifying inefficiencies, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. They serve as an internal watchdog, continuously assessing whether internal vs external audit the company is on track to meet its strategic goals. Unlike internal audits, external audits are mandatory for publicly traded companies and are often required for private companies seeking loans, partnerships, or certain certifications.

difference between internal and external auditor

The difference between internal and external audits

difference between internal and external auditor

The external auditor’s independence is not just a professional standard but also a legal requirement, as it underpins the credibility of their findings. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, for example, includes provisions to bolster auditor independence, such as restricting the types of non-audit services that auditors can provide to their audit clients. Auditing is a means of evaluating the effectiveness of a company’s internal controls. Both internal and independent auditors contribute to a company’s audit system in different but important ways.

difference between internal and external auditor

How to Prepare An Internal Audit Program? Tips and Guidance

  • External audit teams may include members with diverse expertise and experience to provide independent verification of financial information to external stakeholders.
  • Internal audit is a discretionary function within an organization, while external audit may be mandatory.
  • Auditors from government or regulatory agencies look for any compliance deficiencies or violations.
  • The primary focus of internal audits is to provide valuable insights and recommendations to management for improving internal controls, risk mitigation, and overall efficiency.
  • An external audit, on the other hand, is an independent examination of a company’s financial statements, typically conducted by a certified public accountant (CPA) or an auditing firm.

On the other hand, external auditing is required for every separate legal entity, and it involves bringing in a third party to perform the auditing process and provide an opinion on the company’s financial statements. The auditing process for the Internal Audit And External Audit is nearly identical, which is why people get confused between them. Because their primary responsibility is to outside stakeholders, external auditors must be independent of the companies they audit. While internal audits cover a wide range of organizational functions, external audits concentrate primarily on financial reporting and compliance matters.

difference between internal and external auditor

Both internal and external audits play a crucial role in identifying findings and facilitating remediation to enhance organizational effectiveness and compliance. Internal audit findings prompt systematic improvements to organizational processes, enhancing controls and mitigating risks. Internal auditors work closely with management to address identified control deficiencies and implement corrective actions as needed. Internal audit findings may also serve as a basis for enhancing training and awareness programs to strengthen the organization’s risk management culture. In contrast, external audits https://www.bookstime.com/articles/minimum-wages provide assurance through formal audit reports directly communicated to shareholders, regulators and other external stakeholders.

What Are External Auditors Looking For?

External auditors review the organization’s financial statements and related disclosures to provide assurance to external stakeholders. The timing of external audits is critical for meeting regulatory deadlines and ensuring timely reporting of financial information to investors and regulators. Internal auditors assess organizational health holistically, determining whether business practices are supporting strategic objectives and identifying risks that could impact those objectives. External auditors, on the other hand, focus on whether bookkeeping the organization’s business accounts accurately and fairly represent its financial performance. Auditors from government or regulatory agencies look for any compliance deficiencies or violations.

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